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    Equipter RB4000 Review: This Thing is Awesome Despite the Price Tag

    Dmitry’s Take On The Equipter RB4000

    Roofing Insights’ Dmitry rates the Equipter RB4000 five stars stating,”Equipter RB4000 trailer is one of the most recent pieces of equipment in the roofing community, I think, every roofing contractor should prioritize. In fact, I am ready to own one for Storm Group. I rated it five stars plus, and am very impressed. I do not know the company, and the company is not paying me for my opinion. It is a great innovation in the roofing construction business. It blows my mind to see how it rolls in and out, up and down about 12 feet high roll-back, through landscapes, walk paths, reaching difficult spots, and taking debris from the rooftop into a dumpster or a trailer.”

    Equipter RB4000 Specs & Benefits

    The Equipter is also self-propelling with 13hp engine, making it easy to move around once you hook it off from the back of your truck. Hauling Equipter to any job site is easy, just hook it up like any other trailer and tow! The Equipter RB4000 solves huge labor problems on the site as we enter into 2018 with an expected labor shortage. Some construction job site crew members agreed that it is becoming difficult to get people to help at the job site. Last year, it was difficult getting shingle installers at the job site. It was frustrating.

    Also, Equipter is efficient and could save you about 80% cleanup labor. You save time, labor, keeping professional, leaving a good impression on the homeowner. Homeowners will likely take you more seriously, and become loyal to your services, giving you more referrals with Equipter RB4000. It eliminates messy job sites and preserves homeowners’ landscapes with its balance weight on the wheel. Consider it a marketing asset – when homeowners are happy, you have higher investment yield.

    Built to last, Equipter RB4000 is heavy and does the job right. It has many hydraulic dumps capable of holding about four cubic yards of materials and moving them to any dumpster. Dmitry has not seen any flaws since Equipter RB4000 appeared on the market. Perhaps, the delay in accepting it may be the roofing community is not ready for it yet. The unreadiness may explain why some contractors have not owned one since last year.

    Equipter RB4000 Cost/Value Analysis

    Analytically, the price may be a concern, and the manner and process that the roofing community is set up in, is another issue. The ordinary subcontractor may not be able to afford it. The Roofing community uses subcontractors often, and the subcontractors are not big enough to buy Equipter RB4000 due to the price. One Equipter RB4000 costs about $32,900. However, in a highly competitive market like roofing, the price should not be an issue considering what it does and its marketing assets. In as much as one wishes the Equipter to keep coming down at a price, Roofing Insights strongly recommends it for every company in the roofing business. It is a premium product worth every penny.

    Why You Need to Make Investments in Your Roofing Business

    It’s easy to look at the price tag of the Equipter RB4000 and scoff. For really small roofing businesses that are of the “mom and pop shop” variety, it may not make sense to make such a significant investment. But, for roofing businesses that want to grow and expand in their area of operations, the RB4000 and similar high cost, high-value investments are a must.

    The actual performing of your services is just like any other function of your business. You upgrade your marketing strategies by investing in higher-performing strategies that sure, cost more upfront, but will ultimately bring you more leads and increase your conversions.

    You also pay more for accounting software and tools that make keeping track of your finances easier as your business grows. Consider a small roofer who only works in a few neighborhoods. They may be able to get away with using a simple Excel spreadsheet to keep tabs on their finances. However, a company that covers an entire city and the surrounding suburbs is going to need a tool like QuickBooks to ensure that their accounting is accurate.

    Because, here’s the thing: the penalty for not investing in improving your operations can be detrimental. Failing to upgrade your marketing can result in your competition gaining a stronghold on the market. Trying to do all your accounting and financial management without software will lead to errors and mistakes, which can lead to heavy fines come tax time.

    While yes, you need to make sure that you can actually afford the initial investment and the time it takes for that investment to pay for itself and beyond, if you’re a company that is serious about growth, you have to be willing to take those leaps.

    How to Rank Your Areas of Need to Find Out What to Invest in First

    Marketing, Accounting, Operations, Inventory Management, Supply Chain Management.

    There are a lot of different areas of your business that can be upgraded and improved upon. But, investing in all of them at the same time is not necessarily the best move. In fact, being too overzealous with your investments can lead to dramatic losses in revenue and could harm your business more than it helps in the long run.

    To ensure that you properly prioritize your investments, here are a couple of steps to take to ensure you’re allocating your resources toward your highest areas of need.

    Keep a List of Issues Within Each Department

    Even the most well-run roofing business isn’t perfect. Mistakes and issues can arise, no matter how careful a roofing team is. The key is to recognize those mistakes and track them. Ensure that leaders in each department are documenting issues that arise.

    Many of these issues may arise due to a simple human-error or process error that can be easily fixed. For this reason, leaders should be proactive in seeing if the issue can be solved from happening again without making a significant investment. For example, if there is a mistake with a roofing project, instead of overhauling your entire project management system, perhaps ensuring that all team members are properly briefed beforehand on the scope of the project can stop the mistake from occurring again.

    However, there may be some issues that arise that are more complicated. Let’s say that a roofing company falls way behind on multiple jobs and that one reason is because clean-up takes too long, thus prolonging the process of starting a new roofing project. That’s where an investment like the Equipter RB4000 can be helpful.

    Make sure you keep track of issues in respective departments, address those that can be easily solved, and then see which issues are too big and require an upgrade of some sort.

    Create KPIs For All Areas of Your Business and See What is Underperforming

    Key performance indicators (KPIs) are an essential part of determining whether or not your roofing business is performing at the rate you want it to be. KPIs are essentially goals that you have for your business.

    By creating KPIs and actually keeping track of them, you can find out what areas of your business are underperforming. Completing 35 roofs in Q1 would be an example of a KPI. However, failing to meet that KPI might not mean what you think. Let’s say you came to that number (35 roofs) based on a marketing KPI of 100 new leads in Q1. But, you only got 50 leads. Therefore, it may be wise to consider investing in your marketing and sales, as more leads will lead to more roofs.

    Such marketing investments could include increasing your social presence, billboards, truck wraps, or getting listed on high-quality directories.

    As you can see, it’s not just enough to come up with KPIs. You have to analyze why you did or did not meet those numbers.

    Keeping track of issues and KPI figures are two great ways to ensure you’re making the right investments in your roofing business.

    Dmitry Lipinskiy
    Host of Roofing Insights YouTube channel, Founder of Roofing Business School

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