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    Dope marketing for Roofers and Roofing contractors

    Effectively marketing your roofing company is no easy task

    Creating a recognizable brand for roofing marketing is also not an overnight process. It takes years of consistency and creativity to fully etch your company name into the minds of homeowners.

    Regardless, according to Dope Marketing CEO David Carroll, there is one offer that all roofing companies should be offering to their clients at this very moment.

    “I love the Ring doorbells,”

    Carroll says.

    I think they’re great. A lot of people have them nowadays, but you can give them away as a gift.

    If you don’t think that Ring doorbells will appeal to your customer base, there are other unique items that could potentially capture the attention of your targeted audience.

    Specifically, Carroll recalls a man who once offered upscale homeowners an item that was so unexpected, it was then no surprise that he was successful.

    “We had a guy do a really creative offer. It was in a gated community and he was giving out a free toaster oven. It was a private community, so he had to get put on the list to get in the community, and no one ever takes someone off the list,”

    explains Carroll.

    While not every roofing contractor will be fortunate enough to consistently land jobs in high-end neighborhoods, that doesn’t mean that your marketing and branding efforts can’t help you acquire a steady stream of revenue.

    “What I like to see with offers for roofing is something where you differentiate yourself because in my opinion, for roofers, it’s not always about the offer every time. It’s about a consistent message across multiple platforms,”

    says Carroll.

    This is important because while being clever will land you a handful of jobs, it’s also key to be mindful of the future of your roofing business and take that into account when marketing your company.

    In the eyes of Carroll, there are a few ways to capitalize on this strategy.

    “When you have your door hanger, trifold, postcard, Facebook ad, and your billboard, and they all look exactly the same, that’s what breeds trust,”

    says Carroll.

    “It’s not this urgent offer that I need to take advantage of now.”

    To be clear, Carroll isn’t suggesting that roofers avoid building a healthy sense of urgency with their clients.

    Instead, he simply urges roofers to be patient in their marketing approaches because effective branding often will supersede guerilla marketing efforts that don’t adequately prepare companies for the future.

    “Think about it like this,”

    Carroll says.

    “In the roofing industry, for eight out of ten people, the biggest purchase they’ll ever make is their home. The second biggest purchase they will ever make are the things they do to improve their home.”

    This suggests that homeowners are unlikely to rush into immediate decisions, which mitigates the effectiveness of marketing efforts that are designed to generate a lot of business right away.

    And unlike in other industries, the roofing industry doesn’t have the same luxury of being able to win a homeowner’s business every couple of months.

    “It’s not like direct response advertising where your customers are everywhere. You’re not a chiropractor cracking backs or a restaurant selling burgers where I can just get you in the door and live off the lifetime value,”

    explains Carroll.

    Still, there are proven marketing techniques that roofing contractors can implement right now in order to catch the attention of homeowners, even if that potential client isn’t in the market for a new roof replacement.

    “The reason offers work in marketing is because I can give you a discount. I can give $50 off to a first-time customer or $75 off of two services. I’ll even give you $25 just to leave a review because I know there is something at your house that I can do a few times per year [gutter repairs and installations, for example]. So even if I have to offer a discount, you are my customer for an average of 5 to 7 years,”

    says Carroll.

    That five-to-seven-year span is worth considering because during that stretch your market may get hit with hail, or a homeowner may need a new roof.

    In that sense, it’s important to have already established a brand for your company and a rapport with your consumer base.

    That’s why Carroll emphasizes the need to take advantage of the various marketing opportunities and strategies that are currently available. This includes reaching out to past clients in order to continue to brand your roofing business.

    “The thank-you cards and the brand reputation. With all that stuff, take the list of jobs you built in the last year, sort it by zip code and go get your list of homeowners and continue branding your message,”

    Carroll urges.

    If you’re a roofing contractor looking for a way to elevate your branding and marketing efforts, contact David Carroll and Dope Marketing today by visiting their website!

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    Quentin Super
    Senior Copywriter at Roofing Insights, author of the internationally-selling book The Long Road North, founder of quentinsuper.com

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