Mathew Mulholland is the President of Allgood Adjustments Inc, a public adjusting firm that according to their Facebook page helps “Georgia home and business owners deal with the hassles of insurances claims from beginning to end.”
Mulholland is well-respected among contractors in the roofing community for his public adjusting services, but recently Mulholland found himself embroiled in an online exchange with a roofing contractor who feels that Mulholland is not as competent as his reputation suggests.
Chet Selz, a roofing contractor from Texas, scrutinized Mulholland, questioning Mulholland’s integrity and accusing him of spreading misinformation in a recent Facebook post.
Mulholland says the attack from Selz was unexpected but adds that people who saw the Facebook post quickly disputed all of Selz’s negative comments.
For that, Mulholland is grateful.
“No one besides him [Chet Selz] made a negative comment,” Mulholland says, in reference to his Facebook post that stated that any time a homeowner files an insurance claim, there will inevitably be consequences.
Mulholland says that he has dealt with criticism before, especially from other roofing contractors who keep finding new ways to go after him and his content.
“A lot of the comments on this Facebook forum run through an echo chamber,” Mulholland says, which can lead to misinformation being disseminated among roofing contractors.
“Roofers are saying the same things over and over. Even if it’s false information, it keeps getting perpetually transferred to the next generation of roofing contractors and public adjusters.”
Mulholland says that when he posted about there being consequences to homeowners filing an insurance claim, he was merely trying to educate homeowners and roofing contractors who might otherwise haphazardly file a claim and end up hurting the homeowner.
After posting on Facebook, Mulholland says he didn’t check his Facebook account the entire weekend, meaning he missed the chance to correspond with the few people who chimed in with a rebuttal.
“Apparently a few people disagreed with me, including Chet Selz,” Mulholland says, adding that Selz was upset because he felt that Mulholland was sidestepping his questions all weekend.
In reality, Mulholland wasn’t online, but once he was made aware of Selz’s gripe, he worked to remedy the situation.
“There was only one question on Facebook that I didn’t answer,” Mulholland says. “And that was whether or not I was an insurance agent.”
For the record, Mulholland is not an insurance agent, but things escalated when Selz then created another Facebook post that took indirect aim at Mulholland’s credibility.

“It was kind of a dick post,” Mulholland says of Selz’s subsequent Facebook post. “Chet was insinuating that people who have a great following will say things to incite others in order to gain attention, and that they will never admit when they are wrong.”
While Selz didn’t specifically name Mulholland in his diatribe, it was clear to anyone following the story that Selz was referring to the esteemed public adjuster, an act that Mulholland simply wouldn’t allow.
Following Selz’s post, Mulholland booted him from the Facebook forum and then messaged him directly to address the situation.
Mulholland says it was then that Selz clarified his stance.
“In his response, he confirmed that he was talking about me, just like I had suspected,” Mulholland reveals.
Despite Selz’s efforts to thwart Mulholland’s post, Mulholland maintains that he still stands by what he wrote, and that he would still not advise homeowners to carelessly file insurance claims.
“To set the record straight, there are consequences when you file an insurance claim. It doesn’t matter if it’s an act of god claim or not,”
Mulholland says.
Of course, another component to this discussion is that fact that when homeowners file claims, it’s likely their rates will go up, especially if they have exhibited a propensity to file frivolous claims in the past.
“Rate hikes are what everyone is concerned about, but legally rates cannot go up if a homeowner files an act of god occurrence,” Mulholland says, before adding that “as an individual, rates cannot go up for filing that type of claim, but as a zip code they can; and everyone in the Facebook group was well aware of that.”
Ultimately, the most important thing to remember from this exchange is that homeowners should be aware of the repercussions of filing an insurance claim because otherwise absent-minded claims have the potential to severely impact a homeowner’s premium rates in the future.
“As a homeowner, when you have a claim, it stacks up. If you have multiple claims, you are considered a high-risk individual in the eyes of the insurance company. The insurance carrier is then looking at you and trying to determine profitability. They want to know if they’re going to lose a ton of money on you, and if you have multiple claims, they are less likely to want to have you as their customer,” Mulholland explains.
“For example, if you have made multiple claims, then go sell your house and buy another one, that means in the event you have to get new insurance your rates are going to be enormous.”

Mulholland is also quick to point out that roofing contractors play a role in this as well because if they persuade homeowners to file an insurance claim when their roof is not damaged, that too can have a profound impact on the price of premiums for a homeowner.
“Once again, there are consequences for policyholders when they file an insurance claim. Just throwing Jell-O against the wall to see what sticks is not the right thing to do,”
he says.
“That’s what I was trying to get at with my Facebook post, in that it’s not a good idea for homeowners to carelessly file claims and expect that there won’t be any consequences. A contractor can screw people just by having them file a claim, and those types of roofers need to stop doing that.”
Chet Selz was clearly in opposition to what Mulholland wrote on Facebook that day, and while we have yet to hear Selz’s take on the matter, this much is clear:
Selz did not like being removed from the Facebook forum.
“I guess he didn’t appreciate that because he then called me a money-grabbing shill,”
Mulholland says.
According to Wikipedia, a shill is “a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with said person or organization.”
In that sense, Selz believes Mulholland is part of a larger conspiracy aimed at hurting homeowners and roofing contractors.
Or perhaps Selz simply chose the wrong noun.
The roofing community might never know.
“I don’t know what he was trying to say when he called me a shill,” Mulholland says.
“It didn’t make any sense.”
To learn more about Matt Mulholland and Allgood Adjustments Inc, visit their website today or give them a call at 833-232-5256!