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    How To Start A Roofing Business in 2022 (Entrepreneurs Guide)

    So, you want to learn how to start a roofing business this upcoming year? That’s great! The roofing industry is extremely healthy right now—take a look at these statistics, which show the current state of roofing in the U.S. As you can see, the roofing industry provides many jobs and is a very profitable business.

    That being said, the market is quite crowded, and it stands to reason that it can only get more crowded from here on out. That’s why it’s essential to get started sooner rather than later with creating your roofing company. The quicker you can get your roofing company established in your local community, the better off you’ll be down the road as more businesses pop up in the surrounding areas.

    Of course, starting a roofing company is a bit of a process. Just like starting any company, certain steps must be taken. Missing steps or failing to go through the process thoroughly can result in serious headaches down the road. Don’t worry, though! We’ve got you covered. Below, we’ve outlined the key steps you need to take to create a successful roofing business.

    And, for everything roofing related—including roofing tips, tool reviews, product reviews, and much more, make sure to check out the rest of our blog. We have tons of great resources for those interested in pursuing a career in roofing!

    How to Start a Roofing Company: 6 Key Steps

    Create a Thorough Business Plan

    Regardless of the business you’re trying to start; you NEED a business plan if you’re going to successfully get off the ground. While your business plan doesn’t need to be so exhaustive that you spend so much time on it that it derails your ability to open your business in a timely manner, it does need to be thorough.

    Depending on who you ask or where you look, you’ll get all sorts of outlines for what you should have in your business plan. We’ve found that this outline, courtesy of NFIB, is succinct enough to where it isn’t too much, but still thorough enough so you’ll make sure you don’t miss anything.

    The NFIB outline includes the following sections:

    • Executive Summary
    • Company Description
    • Products and Services
    • Market Analysis
    • Strategy and Implementation
    • Organization and Management Team
    • Financial Plan and Projections

    Choose Your Name

    Depending on who you ask, this is either the most fun part of starting a roofing company—or the most stressful. While the name is an important part of your eventual business, it isn’t the end-all-be-all. Performing high-quality services is what is truly important. So, don’t sweat the naming portion. Choose something that you like, and that gets you excited. Take your time with the naming portion, but don’t drag it on, and keep second-guessing yourself. Workshop a few different ideas with friends and family and see what sticks. Also, do your research to make sure the name is available. This list of some of the best available roofing names is a great place to get the juices flowing!

    Make Sure You Understand Business Taxes and the Legal Obligations of Your Roofing Business

    It’s essential that you do things by the book, and understanding business tax laws, as well as the legal obligations of your roofing company, is a key part of that. For example, you’ll need to be insured and have any of the necessary certifications to operate in your state or city. Working with a business consultant, lawyer, and accountant is the best way to ensure all your t’s are crossed and i’s dotted.

    Decide How You’ll Acquire Your Equipment

    There is a decent amount of tools you’ll need for your roofing company. Some you’ll need to purchase, others you may be able to rent. For a starter list of 7 essential roofing tools and products, check out the video below!

    Develop a Marketing Plan

    Because your business is new, you’ll have to create a thorough marketing plan that will help you get in front of your audience. Take a look at this marketing plan template to get started.

    One area that you should definitely focus on is your digital marketing efforts, starting with a website. A website is a key part of bringing in new business, as well as showing people who you are, what your values are, and why they should trust you to work on their home.

    Figure Out Your Offseason Plan

    Unless you’re in a state that doesn’t experience snow in the winter, you’ll likely run into an offseason for your roofing endeavors. So, you definitely need to plan for that. For example, many midwest roofers pivot during the winter season to become a snow damage roof repair company. Ice dams are a huge problem in many midwest homes. Working in the winter with snow can obviously be a bit of a burden, but it’s a great way to ensure your business is taking in revenue year-round. Whatever your offseason plan is, make sure you discuss it early on. Waiting until the last minute will only cause issues.

    Get Listed on Roofing Directories

    As an extension of your marketing plan, you should try and get on as many high-quality roofing directories as possible—the key phrase there being: high-quality. Getting on every and any roofing directory may not be the best plan in the long run. If your roofing business gets on a roofing directory with a bunch of low-quality roofing contractors, then people may perceive your company as being low quality as well.

    To avoid this issue, only seek out the best roofing directories, like the RI Roofing Directory. We take great care to ensure only the best roofing businesses make our list. Once you have your roofing business up and running and have some quality roofs and positive reviews under your belt, apply to get on the RI Directory!

    Quentin Super
    Senior Copywriter at Roofing Insights, author of the internationally-selling book The Long Road North, founder of quentinsuper.com

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    1 Comment

    1. I found your article on starting a roofing business to be quite helpful! I’m in the process of starting my own business too and was curious how much it costs to get started.
      I’d love to hear more about what you did when you first got started!

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