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    Roofs for teachers: Sheila Ford Story

    Roofs for Teachers is a program designed to help teachers throughout the United States get the roofs they sometimes desperately need.

    Since many teachers are undercompensated and underappreciated, Roofing Insights CEO Dmitry Lipinskiy wanted to find a way to give back to teachers.

    As a former aspiring teacher himself, Lipinskiy came up with Roofs for Teachers, a program that, with the help of sponsors, gives teachers new roofs, at no cost to them.

    The first beneficiary of this program was Molly Keenan in St. Paul, Minnesota. You can read about her story in the new Roofing Insights Magazine.

    For the second recipient, Roofing Insights and their co-host Brent Simmons selected Sheila Ford, an elementary school teacher at Scenic Hills Elementary in Memphis, Tennessee.

    That project was backed with the help of Atlas and also ABC Supply Co., plus Brent Simmons and his team at Restoration Roofing provided the labor.

    During installation, Simmons took a few moments to speak with Ford about not only her new roof, but also her positive effect on the local community.

    Roofing Insights Directory today!

    Then, nominate a teacher within your community by reaching out to Roofing Insights on any of their social media channels, with a message detailing why your nominated teacher is deserving of a new roof!

    Quentin Super
    Senior Copywriter at Roofing Insights, author of the internationally-selling book The Long Road North, founder of quentinsuper.com

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