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    Roofing Insights Directory $20,000 Guarantee

    Welcome to the Roofing Insights Directory!

    Tired of HomeAdvisor, Angie’s List, and other “accredited” websites offering bogus leads on roofing companies?

    Here at Roofing Insights, we certainly are!

    That’s why we have decided to create our own directory, free of scammers and poor leads given out by companies whose only goal is to sell their inferior services to the highest bidder.

    With our directory, our goals is to connect customers and roofers in a way that is beneficial to both parties.

    Essentially, we’re everything the big corporations promise, minus the shady business tactics. None of this pay $700/month to a company who claims they will generate leads for you.

    We want to connect people with quality contractors, in a way that will leave both parties walking away feeling happy.

    As Roofing Insights owner and CEO Dmitry Lipinskiy says:

    “Our mission is to save homeowners and contractors money.”

    The best part about our nationwide directory?

    Roofing Insights is currently offering a $20,000 guarantee, meaning we are so confident that we will connect good customers with quality roofers, that we will personally guarantee your full satisfaction on any service up to that amount.

    To find a roofer in your area, simply go to (roofinginsights.com/directory). There you can see a map of which contractors are in your area.

    We can’t wait to work with you. Call or message us today with any questions you may have.

    Talk soon!

    Are you an outstanding, reliable roofer looking to connect with customers in your area?

    If so, then text us today at 612-254-9849

    Quentin Super
    Senior Copywriter at Roofing Insights, author of the internationally-selling book The Long Road North, founder of quentinsuper.com

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    1. Your RI Directory only recommends one roofing firm in my area. I was a bit disappointed to see that the estimate from the owner of the firm, a neighbor in our subdivision, was not as complete as you say it should be. We did, however, find a gaf roofing firm, whose estimate followed your suggestions for a satisfactory experience to the letter. I know gaf does not respond to your invitations to participate in your evaluations, but you say they have a great product. Given a certainteed estimate not to your specs versus a spec perfect gaf Timberline HDZ roof estimate, which firm would you recommend? The estimates are within $1500 of each other, gaf being the higher. Thanks for you consideration f our dilemma.

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