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    Door to door Roofing sales with Ben Menchaca

    Roofing Insights typically does not endorse storm chasers.

    Door to door roofing sales, however, is not entirely synonymous with storm chasing.

    We believe in the concept of creating a local business that thrives off customer support, quality performance, and creative branding.

    Despite Roofing Insights’ historical dislike for storm chasers, that doesn’t mean all storm chasers are unreliable salesmen or contractors who will do and say anything in order to get a sale.

    In fact, some storm chasers are really good people

    Ben Menchaca is one of them.

    Menchaca is well-known and respected within the roofing industry for his stellar sales numbers. He’s so good, some have even branded him a “hitman.”

    All jokes aside, Menchaca is a million-dollar producer, and he currently spends his time traveling around the country and getting hired on by companies looking for temporary help during a storm or busy season.

    In that sense, Menchaca is more local sales rep than fleeting salesman. By working for local companies who are already established in their respective cities, Menchaca is essentially a gun-for-hire, capable of coming into any city and walking out with a large stack of signed agreements for new roofs.

    “This is my third year in the industry,”

    Menchaca says, his vast successes a surprise when you consider that just a few years ago he was straining himself for $20 an hour while performing manual labor.

    But even a few years ago, Menchaca knew something had to give. He was constantly feeling the ill effects from his physically demanding job, a position that was hindering him in ways beyond just the physical.

    “I couldn’t afford my rent, and my rent was only $600,”

    Menchaca admits.

    “It was because I would blow money. I wasn’t happy. I wasn’t passionate at what I was doing, and I was self-sabotaging myself and my finances.”

    “When I couldn’t afford my rent, and I knew that I made enough money, I knew something had to change.”

    Menchaca then made the bold move to drop everything and join his friend out east and begin selling roofs.

    “I jumped in my car, gave away everything, gave away my cat to my uncle, and I headed to Chattanooga, Tennessee all in one night,”

    Menchaca explains.

    Simply put: after arriving, Menchaca thrived.

    His first year in sales, he sold $1 million

    This isn’t to suggest that Menchaca simply picked up a clipboard and began wantonly acquiring signatures either.

    Rather, the entire year was a smorgasbord of constant failures and life lessons, each of which were integral steps in Menchaca’s path to $1 million.

    Menchaca also fell in love with Grant Cardone and his highly-touted Cardone University. Menchaca says that Cardone’s teachings changed his perspective.

    “Grant Cardone changed my life because I care about people, and I think that goes without saying,”

    Menchaca emphasizes, adding that beyond taking care of his customers

    “it was very evident that people who made a lot of income, or who were personally developed, were attractive,”

    he says, but he’s not talking about vanity.

    Instead, becoming “attractive” is defined as being willing to grow and evolve in order to become a more refined individual.

    As Menchaca says:

    “Become the person you want to attract.”

    And with Menchaca adopting a newfound outlook, he’s completely changed his life.

    Not only has he gotten out of manual labor, his future is much clearer after many years spent yearning for financial security.

    “If I commit to income, a lot of other problems get solved,”

    he mentions.

    When it comes to actual door-knocking, Menchaca views it as a numbers game. The more doors he literally opens, the more doors he can in turn figuratively open.

    He learned this from Roofing Process Conference speaker Becca Switzer.

    “She was one of my first mentors in this industry,”

    says Menchaca, then reverting back to his beginning in the roofing industry, a time when he didn’t know much about the art of sales.

    Menchaca explains that his first month in roofing, he literally knocked on 850 doors.

    Don’t believe him?

    Then Menchaca urges you to check his SPOTIO, an app that tracks all things sales.

    “I’ve never had to knock that many doors again because I’ve learned body language and voice inflection. Overcoming objections was the hardest. After I learned that, it was game over”

    says Menchaca.

    Game over, indeed

    Even during the strange and uncertain times of 2020, Menchaca is still killing it.

    “I’ve just got into town [Minneapolis] and ripped 30 deals. That’s about $750,000. I have an additional $400,000 in Wisconsin, so I’m over $1 million. I’m hoping to get $2 million this year,”

    he finishes with a smile.

    Want to learn more about sales?

    Join the Roofing Insights business school today!

    Membership perks include access to exclusive lessons and content from Dmitry Lipinskiy, plus free entry into the Roofing Insights Directory.

    And starting next month, all members will receive the Roofing Insights Magazine, a publication that covers all the news and drama within the industry!

    Quentin Super
    Senior Copywriter at Roofing Insights, author of the internationally-selling book The Long Road North, founder of quentinsuper.com

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