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    The Best School For Roofers: A Testimonial


    At Roofing Insights, we stand by all of our products, but as many roofers know, it’s the customer whose satisfaction is the most important. We tried to make the best school for roofers, but what to our customers say?

    That’s why today we’re sharing Eagle Eye Roofing owner Jason Harley’s testimony regarding the effectiveness of our business school.

    Keep reading to hear Jason’s story!

    Eagle Eye Roofing logo

    Jason Harley was like many people in America: he worked a corporate job, finding the money to be good enough for his lifestyle.

    But after 13 years of making his company millions of dollars, Jason was let go by a management team who felt they could find a cheaper alternative for Jason’s position.

    “In the end, I was treated like a number,”

    Jason said.

    This left Jason in a unique position. He was suddenly out of a job, but he now had the opportunity to do something else with his life.

    Wanting to be his own boss, Jason seized that opportunity and decided to start his own roofing company. His plan was to start slow, avoid debt, and be open to learning along the way.

    Five years later, and with the help of Roofing Insights, the Texas-based Eagle Eye Roofing is steadily growing.

    On the advice of good counsel, Jason eventually began to outsource different tasks that would benefit his company. He brought in a website designer who has made his website: simple and efficient. The website now brings him in as many as 8 leads per day because the interface is user-friendly and convenient.

    Another way his website is unique is that Jason has a pricing section on his main page that lets customers know he charges between $260-500 per square, depending on the specific roof.

    As we’ve discussed in past posts and videos, roofers don’t know how much a job will cost until they properly assess the roof.

    Jason knows this, and creatively uses it to his advantage. His transparent approach separates him from other contractors who are fearful that listing their prices will drive consumers away.

    In addition to price listing on his website, Jason also posts testimonials of his work, which is a surefire way to increase traffic by appealing to the SEO algorithms that play a major role in driving users to websites.

    Offline, Jason also invested in a vehicle wrap. It cost him over $3,000, but he says it paid for itself within ONE WEEK of going on his truck.


    Jason now has four vehicles wrapped, but says that if it weren’t for Dmitry and his business savvy, his business would look a lot different than it does today.

    “Every time I’ve invested, whether it’s with people or with my wallet, it has paid off. Every single time.”

    Hear that, roofing companies? It’s time to take your future seriously and invest in your company!

    Thank you for reading this testimonial! If you think Roofing Insights’ business school would be a good investment for your company, click here for more information.

    Quentin Super
    Senior Copywriter at Roofing Insights, author of the internationally-selling book The Long Road North, founder of quentinsuper.com

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