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    5 Reasons to Offer Financing for Home Improvements

    What happens when your roof develops a problem and the cold starts pouring in from the top down?

    Minneapolis Winters are never easy. Not on people who live here. Not on cars. And not on houses.

    The Winter of 2017 was especially brutal in Minnesota. There were long days and nights that many people choose to stay inside as often as possible.

    But what happens when your roof develops a problem and the cold starts pouring in from the top down? That is what happened to one customer in 2017. When you have a problem like this, there is no amount of patience that will substitute for a fixed roof.

    After, an ice storm caused a large branch to snap off, it hit a home owner’s roof with such force a hole the size of a ping pong table was left. Even though they had insurance, it was going to take a couple of weeks for the money to come in to pay for the roof to get repaired.

    It is cases like this when a financing service offered by www.gethearth.com can come to the rescue.

    Instead of waiting for an insurance company check to go through the system, we are able to get almost immediate full financing for a homeowner. If you are a roofing contractor and do not have a financing partner you can work with a company like Get Hearth. You will be able to get more jobs and help people in need.

    There are many reasons people may need the financing. Maybe, they don’t have the extra money available and can’t get a equity loan. Maybe they are waiting to get the money from the sale of their house. Or maybe, they prefer to not pull money from an investment. Having a financing partner for roof repairs, puts you in position to get more deals that others have to pass on.

    Here are the Top Five reasons I tell roofers they need to have a finance partner to grow their business:

    1. Increased cash flow

      – You can get paid right away and not wait for customers to get money elsewhere. The funds hit their account and you get paid. A nice solution for both parties.

    2. More calls for quotes

      – When you are able to advertise you have financing plans with low monthly payments, you are going to get more calls. There are too few contractors advertising this service. If you have this in your marketing, you will get more business.

    3. Become the only solution to some people in real need

      – There is something great for being known as a company that solves people’s problems. If a person does not have money for roof repairs, you are the one hope they have to get it done on terms they can afford. You get paid and feel good about doing it.

    4. Work with people in special circumstances

      – As the example above, there are people in special situations that need you to be creative. Insurance claims, home sales, work bonuses, etc can take time, but the work needs to be done. Financing will take care of their needs.

    5. Increases your average sale price for each customer

      – The less money people have to take out of their pocket for a repair, means you get the opportunity to upsell other services. Never take advantage of anyone of course, but if you are at a home site, just do some basic questions to look for more opportunities. The fact that you are also helping them get financing will make the customer feel better about giving you more work too.

    The Roofing Insights community wants to help you get started offering financing for your market. That is why we partnered with Hearth, since we know the stress that can occur during this process. Hearth knows this too, and when you sign up, use the promo code ‘DMITRY50’ when signing up at https://www.gethearth.com for $50 off their partner package.

    Affiliate Disclaimer: Roofing Insights is an affiliate for Get Hearth. We offer the discount in exchange for a commission should you take advantage of this deal.

    We’d love your feedback on Hearth too! Send us a message expressing your experience with Hearth. It might make for some great content.

    Thanks all, and good luck with your home improvement project. I’m sure Hearth just made it a lot easier for you.

    Dmitry Lipinskiy
    Host of Roofing Insights YouTube channel, Founder of Roofing Business School

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